
Please find below the details of all Parish Council and Committee meetings.

Meetings are advertised in advanced and are held in public at The Meeting Place, North Street, Westbourne.

Residents are welcome to attend to bring issues to the Council’s attention, find out more about its work, and join in with lively local discussion.

The Scheme of Delegation sets out the activities for each of the committees. 

Council Meeting

Full Council

The Parish Council holds a Full Council meeting every month, except August. The meetings take place on the second Thursday of the month.

Strategy and Finance Committee

Meets twice a year to discuss matters relating to the financial operation of the Parish Council, including the setting of the annual Precept – money collected, on the Parish Council’s behalf by Chichester District Council, through Council Tax.

Planning Committee

Meets monthly before the main Parish Council meeting, on the second Thursday of the month, to provide a response as a consultee on planning applications relevant to the Parish.

Public Services and Natural Environment Committee

Meets three times a year to discuss issues such as highways, road signs, speed limits, street lighting, grass verges, defibrillators, flower troughs and the natural environment.

Recreation, Leisure and Amenities Committee

The Recreation, Leisure and Amenities Committee meets three times a year to discuss issues relating to the two recreation grounds and play areas at Mill Road and Monk’s Hill in Westbourne.

HR Committee

The Parish Council's staffing committee to discuss HR matters relating to the Clerk's employment.

Westbourne Parish Allotment for Exercise and Recreation

Westbourne Parish Council is the sole managing trustee of the charity set up for the Westbourne Parish Allotment for Exercise and Recreation (Charity Commission number 265105). This is the recreation ground on Monk's Hill in Westbourne.

Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

The purpose of the Steering Group is to write and review a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish.