Reporting issues

Issues often need to be addressed by other authorities and organisations, such as Chichester District Council, West Sussex County Council or the Police.

Chichester District Council logo
Issues relating to Chichester District Council

Bonfire problem. Breach of planning control. Change of address. Fly tipping. Food safety problem. Missed bin collection. Noise pollution. Public convenience problem. Street cleaning problem. Street nameplate problem.

Issues relating to dogs

West Sussex County Council logo
Issues relating to West Sussex County Council
Libraries. Social care and health. Education, children and families. Roads and travel. Births, marriages and deaths. Land, waste and housing. Leisure, recreation and community. Business and consumers. Fire, emergencies and crime.
Sussex police logo
Issues relating to Sussex Police

Residents are encouraged to report all incidents of crime or antisocial behaviour to the Police. 

Westbourne Parish Council logo
Local decision
While the Parish Council is limited in the decisions it can make, it is often consulted with or puts forward representations on a wide range of local issues, including transport, rural needs, planning, policing and national park issues. The Parish Council is a useful first port of call, knowing exactly who to contact and how to get things done.