Council meetings

Published: 12 May 2021

Return to meeting in public 

The Parish Council has been informed by the government that it must return to holding its meetings in public from 7 May 2021. The next meeting of the Full Council will take place on Thursday 20 May 2021 at 7.15pm and will be held at The Meeting Place, North Street, Westbourne. 

Members of the public are entitled to attend but must be restricted to a total of six to meet current social distancing guidelines. It is anticipated that meetings will return to normal after 21 June when the government announces the next stage of its Covid roadmap. Further information is available from the National Association of Councils.  

Since March 2020, the Parish Council has held meetings virtually using Zoom following guidance issued by the government.

Agendas are published in advance of meetings here.   

The Parish Council has approved a risk assessment to ensure the safe running of meetings.