Richard Hitchcock
Published: 19 August 2024
A Book of Condolence has been opened at St John the Baptist Church for residents to write a message, story or tribute about Richard which would be of great comfort to his family. The Church is open daily from 10am to 3pm.
It is with great sadness we announce that the Parish Council has been informed of the passing of Richard Hitchcock, Chairman of Westbourne Parish Council, on Monday 19 August 2024.
Richard was a long-standing member of the Parish Council and had been a parish councillor for over 20 years, becoming Chairman in 2015. Richard brought much experience, having served as a parish councillor in his previous home of Norwich and through his career in higher education.
Richard was passionate about Westbourne and worked tirelessly on behalf of the local community. As Chairman, he represented the Parish at many local meetings, including the Bourne's Forum, Chichester Association of Local Councils, West Sussex Association of Local Councils, and Chichester District Council's Planning Committee. Richard brought his enthusiasm and energy to the role of Chairman and led many community meetings with a confident and engaging manner, and his customary sense of humour.
Richard was always willing to help others and often worked with residents and other professional bodies to resolve various local issues, offering his support at every opportunity. Richard had a leading role in Greening Westbourne, the Community Orchard at Hampshire Farm Meadows, the Ems Valley Memorial Arboretum, Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, and Westbourne Community Trust. Richard was a good friend and mentor to many, a great lover of cider, and enjoyed singing with the Village Voices and acting in local drama productions.
Richard worked hard to support the interests of Westbourne and he will be sorely missed.
The Parish Council's sincere condolences go to his family and friends, and our thoughts are with them at this sad time.