
Fingerpost sign

Restricting HGV's in Westbourne

Please sign our petition to request that West Sussex County Council restricts HVG through-traffic (deliveries still permitted) in Westbourne.  

Listening to local opinion 

Your views are important to Westbourne Parish Council. Letting us know your opinion and sharing your knowledge of issues in the Parish will help us to improve local services and facilities for the benefit of everyone. Please contact the Parish Council or one of the parish councillors if there is something that you would like to discuss.  

Representing the Parish

The Parish Council responds to a number of consultations on behalf of the Parish that are being held by other local organisations, such as Chichester District Council, West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority.  Details of these consultations can be found on their websites. 

Previous consultations and petitions

What's important for the future of Westbourne? Thank you to residents who took part in the survey in summer 2019 which aimed to find out opinions on what's important for the future of Westbourne. Feedback will used to update the Business Plan which identifies initiatives and projects for the next three years. A full analysis of the results is available for residents to view.

Bring Back Westbourne's Buses: In 2018, the bus service was reduced in Westbourne due to cuts in national funding and the services provided by Emsworth and District were withdrawn. The number 54 bus to Chichester is being funded by West Sussex County Council but it is running at a reduced timetable. The former 28 bus to Havant no longer runs. These changes have left many feeling isolated and unable to access local services and facilities. The Parish Council continues to lobby local decision makers to improve the bus service and has started a Taxi-bus service to provide a link to Havant. A petition was created and received over 900 signatures from local residents. It has been used to demonstrate the strength of local feeling to encourage the County Council to do something about this issue. If you would like to add your comments to the petition, please contact us.


Slowing the traffic through Westbourne: Over 350 residents signed a petition and presented it to the Parish Council to request that additional measures are put in place to slow traffic and reduce HGV movements through the village. As a result, the Parish Council set up a Community Speedwatch Group to monitor vehicles and report excessive speeding to the Police. The Parish Council has also used the petition to secure funding from Chichester District Council to put speed indicator signs at the entrances to the village to alert drivers to their speed. It is hoped that these additional measures, including the 20mph limit, will have an impact. If you would like to add your comments to the petition, please contact us.